For as long as I could remember; as much as I love riding bikes I've always had this inner fear of them. Being able to quickly get around without a gas or even electric car was always something that interested me. To me driving a car seemed like cheating in some weird way. So it's unfortunate for me to say that me, and bikes don't mix. When I do get on a bike I always feel like I'm a split second away from harming myself. I'm pretty sure it all derives from my own stupidity as a kid and now even on my nice vintage bicycle that feeling likes to surface.
It's an incident that I haven't forgotten even to this day. I was finally tall enough to reach the low petals on the normal sized bikes and I wanted to venture out on my own bike rides. I really loved playing with the gear shifters as it made me feel more like an adult. Still being a little on the short side though so in order to get going I had to run alongside the bike to gain momentum before jumping on. Hopping off was also kind of tough because I was forced to pretty much tip to once side so my food could reach the ground. This is where my love for bicycling began.
Finally I had the capability of venturing out on my own without the supervision of my parents or any authority figure. I thought it a good idea to explore the trails in the woods nearby my house as it was a common place for bikers to bike. All by myself I jumped on the ten-speed and sped off to my future hobby; or so I thought.
It couldn't have been more than five or ten minutes into my journey when I committed the action that still troubles me to this day. I guess I'm a total moron because if you ask; I still don't know why I did it. As I was heading down one of the many used bike paths I saw a small ball of air and plastic in front of me. I didn't try to avoid like a normal human being though; instead I went right for it as if it were a ramp. Only it wasn't a ramp. It was a little ball. I didn't pop up in the air as I guess I was expecting. Instead I fell flat on my face busting up my nose and scraping up my knees and elbows. Even now as a full grown man getting onto my reliable Linus bike I'm still haunted by that moment.
Hopefully you aren't as dumb as me and you don't have an irrational fear of bikes because of a stupid mistake you make as a kid. I still do like to ride and I still appreciate the locomotion of self-propulsion but that moment is forever burned in my mind.
It's an incident that I haven't forgotten even to this day. I was finally tall enough to reach the low petals on the normal sized bikes and I wanted to venture out on my own bike rides. I really loved playing with the gear shifters as it made me feel more like an adult. Still being a little on the short side though so in order to get going I had to run alongside the bike to gain momentum before jumping on. Hopping off was also kind of tough because I was forced to pretty much tip to once side so my food could reach the ground. This is where my love for bicycling began.
Finally I had the capability of venturing out on my own without the supervision of my parents or any authority figure. I thought it a good idea to explore the trails in the woods nearby my house as it was a common place for bikers to bike. All by myself I jumped on the ten-speed and sped off to my future hobby; or so I thought.
It couldn't have been more than five or ten minutes into my journey when I committed the action that still troubles me to this day. I guess I'm a total moron because if you ask; I still don't know why I did it. As I was heading down one of the many used bike paths I saw a small ball of air and plastic in front of me. I didn't try to avoid like a normal human being though; instead I went right for it as if it were a ramp. Only it wasn't a ramp. It was a little ball. I didn't pop up in the air as I guess I was expecting. Instead I fell flat on my face busting up my nose and scraping up my knees and elbows. Even now as a full grown man getting onto my reliable Linus bike I'm still haunted by that moment.
Hopefully you aren't as dumb as me and you don't have an irrational fear of bikes because of a stupid mistake you make as a kid. I still do like to ride and I still appreciate the locomotion of self-propulsion but that moment is forever burned in my mind.
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